Faith is falling because the family is in freefall
Faith is falling because the family is in freefall
40% of all births in the United States occur outside of marriage.*
54% of children born in the U.S. reach their 17th birthday without a married mom and dad in the home.**
Family formation and stability rates in the U.S. remain in steep decline.
*Institute for Family Studies .
**MARRI, The Catholic University of America
Family Decline drives faith decline
These figures are the portion of specified generations reporting to be religiously unaffiliated. The numbers of those falling away from the church are growing dramatically from one generation to the next.
- Millinials-40%
- Gen X-30%
- Boomers-22%
There is hope!
Those from married homes across ALL generations regularly attend church at a rate of 78% more often than those from broken or single parent homes.